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谁来调酒 Who's on Shift


Welcome to Who’s on shift, our round up of the barmen making the trek to China to conduct masterclasses or sling a guest shift. Take a look at who’s here in town now.  


Got a guest bartender popping up at your bar or an event to share with us? Email us at 

上海|北京| 南京

Shanghai | Beijing | Nanjing


 上海 Shanghai 

David Rios


11月22日,晚8点至11点 Nov 22, 8pm-11pm


Masterclass: Nov 23, 3pm-5pm 


11月23日,晚7点至10点 Nov 23, 7pm-10pm

David Rios

2013帝亚吉欧珍选品牌世界级调酒大师赛全球总冠军David Rios马上来上海了,他将在由纪凡金酒和园林味美思带来的大师班上和大家探讨一下金酒、葡萄、业界最新潮流还有开胃酒。这位西班牙餐业界的资深人士履历相当显赫,不但有着20多年的调酒经验,还效力过西班牙米其林三星餐厅Mugaritz,这次他将现身Shake和Hakkasan,带来美味的金酒鸡尾酒和味美思鸡尾酒,千万不要错过!对他的大师班感兴趣?请联络173 1726 2021报名。

The winner of 2013’s global Diageo Reserve World Class, David Rios is in town to talk gin, grapes, trends, aperitifs with G’Vine and La Quintinye Vermouth Royal. With more than 20 years of beverage experience under his belt, and experience at three-Michelin-starred restaurant bar Mugaritz in Spain, the Spaniard pops into Shake and Hakkasan with gin and vermouth cocktails in tow. Interested in his materclass? RSVP by 173 1726 2021. 



3/F, 46 Maoming Nan Lu



5/F, Bund 18, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu

Steven Beerens

Club 3 1/3

11月23日,晚9点至深夜 Nov 23, 9pm-late

11月24日,晚7点至9点 Nov 24, 7pm-9pm


Masterclass: Nov 24, 3pm-5pm


11月24日,晚10点半至12点半 Nov 24, 10.30pm-12.30am 

Steven Beerens

芬兰Kyro金酒品牌大使Steven Beerens或许是“全世界个子最高的调酒师”了。Beerens永远都把客人的感受放在第一位,他的热情服务在圈子里是出了名的。他大力倡导环保调酒和自制原料,此外还是一个超级段子手。他这次来上海除了客座调酒,还将在11月24日主持一场向所有人开放的大师班,向调酒师们介绍芬兰本土金酒品牌Kyro。

Probably the “tallest bartender on earth”, Steven Beerens is the brand ambassador for a Finnish gin brand Kyro. Known to adopt a guest and service-focused approach to his craft, Beerens advocates sustainable bartending, house made ingredients and cheesy jokes. In addition to his guest shifts at Three on the Bund and Daliah, he will also lead an open masterclass taking bartenders through Kyro’s range of made-in-Finland gins on November 24. 

Club 3 1/3


1/F, Bund 3, Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu



408 Shaanxi Bei Lu

Devender Kumar

8 1/2 Otte e Mezzo Bombana

11月24日至25日,晚6点至深夜 Nov 24-25, 6pm-late

Devender Kumar

作为2012年印度世界级年度最佳调酒师,Devender Kumar调酒的脚步遍布全印度,并在2013年加入了香港的8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo。本周,这位酒吧经理将会带给上海的酒客们六款鸡尾酒,包括“乐观主义者”——这杯酒帮他赢得了2015年百加得传世鸡尾酒全球总决赛的入场券。

India’s World Class Bartender of the Year 2012, Devender Kumar built his reputation as one of the barmen advancing the craft in India, before joining 8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo in Hong Kong in 2013. Now the bar manager will be bringing six cocktails to the Shanghai outpost, including The Optimist, the drink that won him a spot at the world finals of 2015’s Bacardi Legacy Cocktail Competition in Sydney. 

8 1/2 Otte e Mezzo Bombana

圆明园路169号六至七层, 近北京东路

6-7/F, 169 Yuanmingyuan Lu, near Beijing Dong Lu

East Imperial Gin Jubilee  


Nov 23-25

上海首届金酒缤纷节在向你招手!在25号下午去水舍参加Gin Lane party并尝遍25位沪上调酒师的金汤力之前,一定不要错过这周布天盖地的客座调酒、试饮活动和大师班。24日傍晚6点至10点,费朗酒庄亚太区品牌大使Micaela Piccolo将客座Highline,带来用巍城金酒制作的一系列招牌鸡尾酒,当晚也可以品尝到由调酒主管Timothee Becqueriaux调制的巍城金汤力。

Shanghai’s first ever Gin Jubilee kicks off this week. Before joining the 25 bartenders and their creative G&Ts at the Gin Lane party at The Waterhouse on the afternoon of November 25, the city will be studded with guest shifts, tasting events and masterclasses. That includes one by Maison Ferrand’s Asia Pacific brand ambassador Micaela Piccolo on Nov 24 from 6 to 10pm, who’ll be joining Highline’s head bartender Timothee Becqueriaux to shake and stir cocktails made with Citadelle Gin. 

白杰 Chase White


11月22日,晚8点至深夜 Nov 22, 8pm-late

Chase White 

还记得前些日子《饮迷》团队新成员在上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店丽嘉阁的客座首秀吗?这次,我们的著名斜杠青年白杰,要在Le Baron内的新鸡尾酒吧BEVERLY定期调酒啦!他不仅在旧金山米其林三星餐厅Saison工作过,还曾经是纽约人气酒吧Mace和Attaboy的调酒师。每周三晚,去BEVERLY试试他的酒吧。本周的第一次客调,他还将有北京Janes + Hooch酒吧的庞伟仁为他站台——Janes + Hooch捧回了本次饮迷酒吧行业颁奖盛典最佳服务的奖杯。

After rocking his first guest shift at The Ritz Bar & Lounge at The Portman Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, our very own Thirsty Work Productions multi-hyphenate, Chase White, is taking on resident bartending duties with the skills he picked up at venues like the Michelin-starred Saison in San Francisco, and Mace and Attaboy in New York. Every White Wednesday, head to the new BEVERLY bar within Le Baron to sip on his drinks. At his inaugural shift this week, he’ll be joined by Warren Pang, owner of this year’s DMBA winner for Service, Janes + Hooch (Beijing). 



7/F, 20 Donghu Lu


 北京 Beijing 

白杰 Chase White

Janes + Hooch

11月23日,晚9点至深夜 Nov 23, 9pm-late

作为庞伟仁来为他站台的感谢,《饮迷》团队的创意策划白杰将会飞去帝都,在Janes + Hooch进行感恩节主题的客座调酒。酒单及具体活动详情请关注酒吧官方微信。

Returning the favour, Thirsty Work Production’s creative producer will be heading up to the capital to sling Thanksgiving drinks at Warren Pang’s Janes + Hooch. Details on the menu on the night will be revealed soon, so follow the Beijing bar on WeChat for more. 

Janes + Hooch


4 Gongti Bei Lu , Chaoyang District


 南京 Nanjing 

Atsushi Suzuki, 谢俊 Carson Xie, 卢雪君 Jackie Lo


11月23日,晚9点至深夜 Nov 23, 9pm-late

Atsushi Suzuki

2017芝华士鸡尾酒大师赛全球总冠军、2017饮迷酒吧行业颁奖盛典年度调酒师Atsushi Suzuki即将闪现在南京。他将会于23日晚在安鹏程主理的新店南京HERMIT酒吧为大家带来三款鸡尾酒,庆祝酒吧的开业。第二天,老朋友谢俊和卢雪君两位荣誉加身的调酒师也将坐镇吧台客座调酒,为南京的酒客们带来不同的鸡尾酒体验。

2017’s Chivas Masters global champion and DRiNK Magazine Bartender of the Year Atsushi Suzuki is heading out Nanjing, so catch him while you can. He’ll be serving three cocktails at Daniel An’s new HERMIT to celebrate the bar’s grand opening. The evening after, pull up a stool at the bar again for the showmanship of An’s pals Carson Xie and Jackie Lo, two also-prominent bartenders currently rocking the Chinese industry. 



9 Qing Yun Xiang, Gulou District, Nanjing






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